
Wednesday 27 June 2018

Visualizacion 3

That very night in Max's room a forest grew and grew and grew
until his ceiling hung with vines and the walls
became the world all around.

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Activities in Queenstown

G Force Paragliding
Image result for g force paragliding

Lake Alta
Image result for Lake Alta

Odyssey Sensory Maze QueenstownImage result for Odyssey Sensory Maze Queenstown

Thrill Zone
Image result for Thrill Zone

Lake Wakatipu
Image result for Lake Wakatipu

Milford Sound
Image result for Milford Sound

Routeburn Track
Image result for Routeburn Track

Lake Wanaka
Image result for Lake Wanaka

Hollyford Track
Image result for Hollyford Track

Shotover Jet

Image result for Shotover Jet

Monday 25 June 2018

Visualizacion 2

Mushrooms and pepperoni sausage formed thick layers on top of one another while the white mozzarella cheese bubbled over the bright red tomato sauce. Each time I took a bite I planned it so that I got a taste of every luscious ingredient. My taste buds celebrated every single time! Oooh, so good.

Sunday 24 June 2018

How to make Peanut Butter Biscuits

Peanut Butter Biscuits

Walht: write a procedure to make peanut butter
biscuits for 22 students in room 8.

1 cup of softened butter 227 grams
1 cup of peanut butter
1 cup of Chelsea White Sugar
1 cup of Chelsea Soft Brown Sugar
2 eggs
2 1/2 cups of flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
2 cups chocolate chips

Hand mixer
Measuring cup
Tea spoon
Big mixing bowl


  1. Switch oven 180 degrees fan.
  2. Cut butter into small cubes.
  3. Put butter into a big mixing bowl.
  4. Put peanut butter in bowl.
  5. Crack 2 eggs.
  6. Mix well with hand mixer.
  7. Pour white sugar.
  8. Pour brown sugar
  9. Mix well with hand mixer.
  10. Add flour.
  11. Add baking soda.
  12. Add baking powder.
  13. Add salt.
  14. Mix well with hand mixer.
  15. Divide dough.
  16. Roll dough.
  17. Push down on dough a little bit.
  18. Decorate (add chocolate).
  19. Bake in oven for 12 mins.

Thursday 21 June 2018

Baby creates history in New Zealand

Baby creates history in New Zealand
Congratulations Jacinda for your new baby girl. You are now a Mum to two little children and the prime minister of New Zealand. You and your baby have made history in New Zealand you are now the 2ed person in the world to have a baby while being the prime minister, good job. Maybe your child's name can be Whetu iti (little star in Maori).

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Design Thinking

I made my tower for an allocentric tourist. An allocentric
tourist is someone who likes insane activities like bungee jumping,
extreme roller coasters and other insane life or death activities.
To show my empathy for an allocentric tourist I made a 35
feet tower with a bungee jump, a slide going down the
top of the tower, a swing hanging from the side of the tower
and last but not least a letter starting from the bottom
of the tower to the top.

Monday 18 June 2018

Reading e-asttle T2 results

I have been the same on my reading results I think I need to work harder to get to a 4A or 4P. Right now i'm at level 4 and i'm a Y6. I am over the national standard. I would like to have a 4P at the end of the year or term.  

My Mums spaghetti (poem)

My Mums spaghetti (poem)

My mom’s spaghetti is the best;
no other mom can beat it;
and every time she cooks it
I can hardly wait to eat it.
I twist the strands around my fork
with wonderful control,
but as I raise them to my mouth
they fall back in the bowl.
I twirl the noodles once again
with all the skill I’m able,
but as I lift them up to eat
they tumble to the table.
I spin my fork; spaghetti winds
around and round once more;
but as it nears my waiting lips
it slithers to the floor.
My mom’s spaghetti is the best;
no other mom can beat it;
but I would like it better
if I got a chance to eat it.

Thursday 14 June 2018

Matariki art (Van Gogh)

Matariki art (Van Gogh)

This art is Matariki Van Gogh art/style. The art is Van Gogh art because of the stars and the wavy parts (in the photo/artwork). This took my class and I about a week and two days. My classes and my art is now being displayed in the school hall for Matariki.

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Bathing the Buddha

Bathing the Buddha.

At the Buddhist temple we bathed a Buddha statue. When we bathed the Buddha we had to do the right shoulder first then the left shoulder and the back of the Buddha while we were thinking about our 3G's.

Matariki knowledge

Matariki knowledge

Thursday 7 June 2018

Matariki Acrostic Poem

Matariki Acrostic Poem

Matariki symbolises a Maori celebration and also indicates a planting season.

Around late May and early June you may see the nine stars shining in the night sky.

There are nine stars in Matariki according to  a Maori astronomer.

A long time ago Maori use to eat Moa and native rats.

Ranginui and Papatuanuku are the nine stars Grandfather and Grandmother.

If you can not see the stars it’s bad luck.

Kumara is a good plant to grow on Matariki.

If you can see the nine stars sparkle it’s good luck and it’s going to be a great year.

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Wishing Bell

Wishing Bell.

At the Buddhist temple the whole school got a wishing bell each. The wishing bell had the 3G's on it which is say good words, think good thoughts and do good deeds.

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Buddhist (fake) tattos.

Buddhist (fake) tattoos.

At the Buddhist temple we got fake tattoos that had the 3G on it. The 3G's are  do good deeds, say good words and think good thoughts



This week I have improved, I think it’s because I learnt my fractions and percentages. To improve more I need to do the answers faster. I think my next goal is to achieve 80% because i’m so close to 80% I just need 3% to achieve it. Hopefully at the end of term 2 I would like to be stage 8.

Monday 4 June 2018

Mondo Grass

Mondo Grass.

At the Buddhist temple there was Mondo grass there. A lady told us to press down on the grass as hard as we could. So we all pushed down on the grass as hard as we could. But when we did that the grass didn't stay down it came back up. The lesson the lady was trying to teach us was " If you get knocked down always get back up again."