
Wednesday 26 July 2017



Today my class and I have been working on maps for our math. Yesterday the class and I learnt about bearings and that bearings is the distance from north taken in a clockwise direction.  We also learnt about cardinal points and that there are four cardinal points North,East,South and West.
To make our maps we had to go on google draw and and place images all around our google drawing.
After that we had to make five questions about our maps for isabel:
What is the bearing of the waterfall?
What is North of the farm?
What is SW of the trees?
What is West of the box?
This is my Map (In the image)

Sunday 9 July 2017

I adopted a Tuatara.

I adopted a Tuatara.

Today I went to the Ouartura kiwi house to adopt a tuatara.  I 
choose the tuatara because the tuataras relatives were extinct 200 million years ago.  The tuatara eats eggs, spiders, birds and frogs.  Tuataras live in burrows in the ground. 

Saturday 8 July 2017

New Zealand Facts

New Zealand Facts.

1. Did you know that NZ kiwis love the outdoors an have a passion for outside games and activities?
       2. Did you know that NZ is famous for playing ruby?
       The ruby team name is called the All Blacks

       3.Did you know that 15% of NZ families have a boat?