
Tuesday 10 April 2018

Mince Pies

Mince Pies

Today baking mince pie. 
Today I made a mince pie using pastry, tomato sauce, water, egg, peas and mince.
When Ms Tulumi walked in with the cooked mince pies my mouth watered. I could smell the mince as Ms Tulumi walked past me to place the pies on the table. We had to wait for 5-6 minutes until the pies cooled down, I couldn't wait to eat it. When the pies were done cooling down we got to eat them. It tasted so nice. The mince was my favorite part of the pie because it tasted so juicy. I just want to say thank you to Mr Steve for getting the pastry and the mince to make the pies. (If you want me the do a blog about how to make the pies comment down below)


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